Mailis Vahenurm

Master's studies

There are two curricula for master's studies:

Biomedicine Master Study Program (teaching language: Estonian)

The curriculum Biomedicine prepares highly educated specialists who, in addition to their skills in biology and biotechnology, also have basic knowledge in medicine. The content of the curriculum is equally divided between the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Faculty of Medical Sciences. This symbiosis allows for the best possible education in biomedicine. Graduates are primarily the target group of medical laboratories, but they are also qualified to work in other biotechnology sectors and companies.

Molecular Biosciences Master Study Program (teaching language: Estonian)

The Molecular Biosciences curriculum is the most logical continuation of the Bachelor of Gene Technology study. Molecular biosciences is an exciting and rapidly growing field that delves into the inner workings of cells, proteins, and DNA, and how they interact to create life. By studying molecular biosciences, students gain a deep understanding of how diseases develop, how to create new drugs and therapies, and how to engineer organisms for a variety of purposes. Not only that, but you'll also be on the cutting edge of new technologies like gene editing, CRISPR, and personalized medicine. The knowledge acquired in lectures can be applied in practice in both the academic and private sectors. Opportunities are open to connect with employers at an early stage of studies and the dissertation can be based on the work done in a private company.


In the academic year 2022-2023 12 students graduated from our institute: 5 of them graduated in Biomedicine, 7 in Molecular Biosciences.

In the academic year 2021-2022 19 students graduated from our institute: 11 of them graduated in Biomedicine, 6 in Molecular Biosciences, 1 in Biology and 1 in Gene Technology. 

Master's theses defended at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in the DSpace database of the University of Tartu (selection by year)

NB! If a fixed-term restriction has been established on the publication, the thesis will available in the database after the restriction has been expired.

Guideline for completing the Master Thesis (in Estonian)



A regular or external student must submit their graduation thesis for defence along with an electronic licence (permit) authorising the preservation and publication of the thesis on the Internet in the digital archives of Tartu University Library. The non-exclusive licence must be submitted in the electronic (PDF) file of the thesis and is the prerequisite for allowing the author to defend the thesis. The non-exclusive licence does not need to be signed – consent may be placed at the very end of the thesis.

The author grants the university a permission to electronically publish the graduation thesis via the university’s web environment under the Creative Commons licence CC BY NC ND 4.0, which allows, by giving appropriate credit to the author, to reproduce, distribute the work and communicate it to the public, and prohibits the creation of derivative works and any commercial use of the work. If a fixed-term restriction has been established on the publication of a graduation thesis by a directive of the vice dean for academic affairs, the author allows the university to make the graduation thesis public after the expiry of the restriction.


Non exclusive licence to reproduce thesis and make thesis public

Non exclusive licence to reproduce thesis and make thesis public from


Publication Procedure of Graduation Theses


Application for Establishing Restrictions on the Publishing of Graduation Thesis, and Declaring Defence Private


Guidelines for Processing of Personal Data in Student Thesis

Academic fraud


Informative videos about academic fraud (in Estonian):

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